
Basement Photo Friday – Have you seen these white lines?

May 01, 2015



It’s getting warmer and drier out there and it’s time to think about household projects, both indoor and outdoor.  Is your basement on the list?    If you have ventured down into your basement recently and noticed that your basement walls and/or floors are showing signs of efflorescence (like in the above image), don’t panic yet!

Efflorescence indicates that you have or have had, moisture in the basement. The buildup of efflorescence is an indicator of how much moisture is in your basement.  Efflorescence is a crystalline deposit of water soluble salts that occur on surfaces of masonry, stucco or concrete.  The incidence of efflorescence will actually increase as moisture and/or humidity increases.

Talk to Rescon about ways to waterproof your basement to keep it safe from moisture. Humid basements are prime environments for pests, mold, and mildew. Not to mention, a humid basement is an uncomfortable one which can lead to bad indoor air quality. This can cause your whole house to smell funny if you don’t address it properly. Call Rescon today to come up with some moisture solutions for your basement.