Basement Photo Friday – Swimming Pool in the Basement – Swim in the Basement
May 23, 2014
Basement Swimming Pools
Today’s Basement Photo Friday is a hodge-podge of photos of unique basement fixtures, namely basement swimming pools. Posting just one of these amazing feats of basement design and architecture is really not enough. We’re going to show you four photos of basement swimming pools.

First, let’s look at a photo of a basement swimming pool that we do not recommend you set up – Basement Pool #1. The variables for disaster are just too many due to the type of pool. And, see the refrigerator back there, what would happen if the pool burst or had a massive leak?

The next basement swimming pool photos are just beautiful. Now this is the way to create a lovely swimming pool in the basement! As you can see, there are no fixtures, appliances or other items that could pose danger. These pools are structurally sound and sturdy. The odds are good that these pools will not burst or deflate and flood the basement (or cause death) as soon as someone jumps in.

How would you like to have a swimming pool in your basement?
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