Best place in Northeast for small business – New Hampshire
Nov 30, 2012
Making the Grade – New Hampshire
With many states struggling to re-energize economic growth and development on a local level. A handful of states seem to understand the overall benefit of making things easier for small business. Earlier this month Entrepreneur performed a nationwide survey and graded which states are best for small business. The Northeast was on average the worst place in the country for small business with one exception, New Hampshire. Out of the entire northeast region New Hampshire was the only state to receive an “A”. The next closest state (geographically) was Virginia with “A-“.
The survey found that states with reduced licensing requirements, lower business taxes and solid training programs allowed small business to flourish. In New Hampshire this has helped the state achieve a 5.7% unemployment rate, well below the national average of 7.9%. When you take a look at all the other states that received a grade of “A-” or better you find that most of them have unemployment rates well below the national average.
A solid running small business engine keeps economic growth and development moving in a positive direction. It helps to reduce unemployment and strengthens our economy. So when we take a look at what steps we can take to improve the economy lets take a look at states like New Hampshire.
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