Fall in New England is fast approaching – simple things to keep the basement healthy.
Sep 12, 2014
Fall is one of the most beautiful seasons in New England. The leaves of maples and oak trees change from green to vivid shades of reds, oranges and yellows. The Fall foliage season is Mother Nature’s departing gift before the cold and snow blankets our region. This burst of color is renowned throughout the world and each year, we remember how lucky we are to have it in our own backyards.
But, as the leaves go through their amazing color transformations, they also begin to drop off their branches. Piles and inches of leaves on lawns can cause headaches for homeowners. Have you ever met a homeowner who loves to rake leaves in the Fall?
Whether you do your own Autumn clean-up or hire a company to do it for you, here are a few important things that should be done to keep your basement healthy and dry into the next summer.
Clean out any gutters – removing leaf debris and ensuring proper flow of water through gutters will help keep rainwater and snow melt draining away from the foundation.
Remove all leaves from around the foundation – leaves collect moisture and prevent proper water flow.
Clean out window wells – window wells collect all kinds of debris that you may never have even thought about. If your window wells are clean and free from debris, the air will flow and moisture will be limited.
Enjoy the Autumn!