It’s Basement Photo Friday! Psst. Pass it on.

It’s a Gift Card, a Rescon Basement Solutions Gift Card! We pride ourselves on the vast amount of referral customers that we receive and utlimately do business with. There is no greater compliment than the compliment of a referral from one of our satisfied clients.  …

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It’s Basement Photo Friday! Would you go into this basement?

Basements have long been the subject of nightmares and horror movies.  Attics have had their fair share of attention too.  Today we bring you a haunting,  yet somehow beautiful photo of a basement staircase.  These stairs belong to the Beelitz-Heilstätten. The Beelitz-Heilstätten is an old …

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It’s Basement Photo Friday! Let there be Light!

Lighting in a basement living space is one of the biggest design considerations when remodeling or finishing a basement.  Forget about those old large, rectangular fluorescent lights, modern and stylish lighting is a better way to light up your basement. A quick and relatively simple …

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It’s Basement Photo Friday! Light up the stairs

Have you ever thought about the stairs in your home?  Whether they are the stairs that lead up to the second level or third level of your home or the stairs that lead down to your basement living area, stairs get little design attention.  It …

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It’s Basement Photo Friday! A strike or a spare?

Bowling has been around for centuries.  In fact, it may date back to ancient Egyptian times, around 3200 BC.  Bowling in the United States evolved from the mid 1800’s and finally gained popularity during the 1950’s.  Many bowling historians credit the rise in popularity to …

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