We Are The Basement Experts in MA and NH Since 1996
Better Basements, Cleaner Air, Healthier Homes
Rescon Basement Solutions – It’s Time to Love Your Basement!
[button color=”red” link=”https://resconsolutions.com/become-a-customer/request-basement-evaluation/” target=”_blank”]Request A Free Evaluation[/button] [/widecontent] [widecontent font_color=”#222″ font_size=”16px” padding_top=”100px” padding_bottom=”100px” centered=”yes” background_color=”#eee”]Three Reasons to Choose Rescon
There are many reasons why thousands of satisfied clients have chosen Rescon Basement Solutions for their basement finishing and water issues, but these are three of the biggest
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Our Teams Exceed Expectations
The teams at Rescon Basement Solutions have over 75 years of industry experience between them. [/one-third] [one-third]
Looks Beautiful on Any Device
WP-Prosperity is fully responsive, meaning that it adapts to your visitor’s screen size. So your site will look spectacular on smartphones and tablets, as well as desktop and laptop computers. [/one-third] [one-third]
Designed for Easy Customization
Advanced Theme Settings make it easy to change page layouts, colors and backgrounds. Add your own logo, Favicon, header image and more. With WP-Prosperity, you’ll have fun creating a site you love. [/one-third] [/columns] [/widecontent] [widecontent style=”full” centered=”no” padding_bottom=”80px” padding_top=”100px” background_color=”#fff” font_size=”16px”]New on the Basement Blog
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Now With Parallax Backgrounds
Give your website a touch of sophistication that helps build trust with your readers.
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This Section Uses the Columns, Vimeo and Button Shortcodes
[divider] [columns] [one-half]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Morbi quis risus at nisl blandit feugiat. Ut vel orci quis sem dapibus iaculis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. [button color=”blue” link=”#”]Continue Reading →[/button] [/one-half] [one-half][vimeo id=”2910853″][/one-half] [/columns] [/widecontent] [widecontent background_color=”#000″ centered=”yes” font_color=”#fff” padding_top=”180px” padding_bottom=”180px” font_size=”30px” background_image=”http://wp-prosperity.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/drops.jpg”]Words of Praise for WP-Prosperity
“When I stumbled upon WP-Prosperity, I was thrilled to find a theme that made me look like I knew what I was doing … Stop searching and buy this theme!” Ben Coleman
[button color=”clear-white” link=”http://www.michaeldpollock.com/wp-prosperity-premium-wordpress-theme/” target=”_blank”]Buy WP-Prosperity[/button] [/widecontent] [widecontent centered=”yes” padding_top=”120px” padding_bottom=”120px” background_color=”#f8f8f8] [columns] [one-third][iconbox icon_color=”#000000″ layout=”icon-title” title=”Wordpress 4.0+ Compatible” icon=”fa-wordpress” icon_size=”48px”]With WP-Prosperity, your website is always one step ahead of WordPress core updates.[/iconbox][/one-third] [one-third][iconbox icon_color=”#000000″ layout=”icon-title” title=”Unlimited Use License” icon=”fa-certificate” icon_size=”48px”]WP-Prosperity is GPL licensed, so use it on as many sites as you like, personal or commercial.[/iconbox][/one-third] [one-third][iconbox icon_color=”#000000″ layout=”icon-title” title=”30-Day Guarantee” icon=”fa-refresh” icon_size=”48px”]If you’re not happy with WP-Prosperity, let me know within 30 days, and I’ll provide a full refund. [/iconbox][/one-third] [/columns] [divider] [columns] [one-third][iconbox icon_color=”#000000″ layout=”icon-title” title=”Search-Engine Optimized” icon=”fa-search” icon_size=”48px”]WP-Prosperity uses SEO best practices and advanced HTML5 coding that search engines love.[/iconbox][/one-third] [one-third][iconbox icon_color=”#000000″ layout=”icon-title” title=”Lifetime Updates/Support” icon=”fa-life-ring” icon_size=”48px”]Your one-time payment includes free theme updates and support for as long as you need it.[/iconbox][/one-third] [one-third][iconbox icon_color=”#000000″ layout=”icon-title” title=”Personalized Support” icon=”fa-thumbs-up” icon_size=”48px”]I want your experience with WP-Prosperity to be first-rate, so I provide timely support via email or forum.[/iconbox][/one-third] [/columns] [divider] [columns] [one-third][iconbox icon_color=”#000000″ layout=”icon-title” title=”Ultra-Responsive Design” icon=”fa-mobile” icon_size=”48px”]With WP-Prosperity, your site will look amazing on mobile devices, as well as desktops/laptops.[/iconbox][/one-third] [one-third][iconbox icon_color=”#000000″ layout=”icon-title” title=”Parallax Backgrounds” icon=”fa-image” icon_size=”48px”]All the cool kids are doin parallax. Why? Because it gives your site an extra dose of elegance and flair.[/iconbox][/one-third] [one-third][iconbox icon_color=”#000000″ layout=”icon-title” title=”Easy to Customize” icon=”fa-magic” icon_size=”48px”]Advanced Theme Settings empower you to have fun creating a site you’ll love.[/iconbox][/one-third] [/columns] [/widecontent] [widecontent background_color=”#000″ centered=”yes” font_color=”#fff” padding_top=”150px” padding_bottom=”140px” font_size=”30px” background_image=”http://wp-prosperity.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/pierxx.jpg”]Words of Praise for WP-Prosperity
“I advise you to take a closer look at the WP-Prosperity theme by Michael Pollock. This theme is without a doubt the best theme I’ve ever worked with. Add in the fact that Michael himself provides all the support you could ever need via the theme’s private forum as well as directly through email and you’ve got yourself one of the best themes out there.” Ryan Gargiulo, pausethemoment.com
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