It’s Raining, Look Out For Basement Water Seeping

April Showers Bring Wet Basements and Water Seepage It’s wonderful to finally be able to welcome Spring to our lands.  The Winter in New England (especially in NH and MA) has been particularly brutal this year with its lingering cold temperatures and above average snow …

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Basement Humidity Control

“Honey, what is that smell in the basement?” Have you ever noticed that as spring temperatures rise outside, so do the odors in your basement? Regardless of the amount of rain in the forecast, all basements are prone to increasing levels of humidity as outside …

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The Sump Pump Switch – How a Sump Pump Works

When answering the question “How does a sump pump work?” we need talk about the sump pump switch. The sump pump switch turns the pump on and off.  The on-off cycling of the sump pump, via the sump pump switch, depends on the water level …

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