Happy Halloween Weekend! Basement Photo Friday

  Here are a few clever ways to decorate the basement stairs for Halloween.  If you’re running out of time,  these simple ideas can be put together quickly and with little shopping for materials to be done; except for the giant spiders and hands of …

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It’s Basement Photo Friday! Would you go into this basement?

Basements have long been the subject of nightmares and horror movies.  Attics have had their fair share of attention too.  Today we bring you a haunting,  yet somehow beautiful photo of a basement staircase.  These stairs belong to the Beelitz-Heilstätten. The Beelitz-Heilstätten is an old …

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It’s Basement Photo Friday! Light up the stairs

Have you ever thought about the stairs in your home?  Whether they are the stairs that lead up to the second level or third level of your home or the stairs that lead down to your basement living area, stairs get little design attention.  It …

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