Best place in Northeast for small business – New Hampshire

Making the Grade – New Hampshire With many states struggling to re-energize economic growth and development on a local level. A handful of states seem to understand the overall benefit of making things easier for small business. Earlier this month Entrepreneur performed a nationwide survey …

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Do I Need a Battery Backup Sump Pump?

While it’s common to find sump pumps in homes with basements, it’s less common to have a battery backup sump pump – a critical component that could mean the difference between a dry basement and a complete disaster. In the latest blog post from Rescon …

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The Cost of Drought

The drought is impacting more than 50% of the states across the country. Soon the cost impact will extend to 100% of the states. Anyone who watches the national news hears everyday about the impact this is having on farmers, especially farmers who rely on …

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Rescon Gets Involved with Building on Hope

This week Rescon employees pitched in on the most recent community project spearheaded by Building on Hope. The project encompassed a $250,000 renovation to Girls Inc. Manchester, NH facility. In the spirit of extreme home makeover, the entire renovation was to take place over two …

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Basement Humidity Control

“Honey, what is that smell in the basement?” Have you ever noticed that as spring temperatures rise outside, so do the odors in your basement? Regardless of the amount of rain in the forecast, all basements are prone to increasing levels of humidity as outside …

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The Magic of an Interior Basement Waterproofing System

Water in a basement space can cause a wide variety of problems for a homeowner. Whether from an unexpected rainfall, flooding or from simple seepage, the prevention of water infiltration into the basement should be an important concern to every homeowner.  By waterproofing the interior …

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Radon Gas – NBC Reports

NBC Report on Radon Gas This morning I was on my treadmill in the basement watching the news on NBC. The report that caught my eye, “Is your child breathing radon gas at school?”. At first I was excited to see national attention being given …

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Basement Waterproofing – Does NO snow equal more rain?

Weather and Basement Waterproofing Recently we have seen a large number of homeowners and property managers contact us to perform a basement evaluation and consultation. The common theme of these inquiries is wanting to ensure there basement waterproofing is sufficient for any potential weather event. …

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